Thursday, April 8, 2010

French Cancan (1955)

The River (1951)


Jakester said...

It's somewhat astonishing that exactly one year ago this very day I wrote a private journal entry about The River. I'd be compelled to share it if it were a little more than be complaining about people who aren't as astonished by the film as I am... This was a good catch, though. Had not noticed it.

Jakester said...

NOTE: the above mentioned 'be' is actually in reference to me. I apologize for any confusion this typo has undoubtedly caused.

Ignatiy Vishnevetsky said...

That shot of him falling is one of the most painful moments in the history of cinema. Took me a lot of time to work up the nerve to put these stills up. So I share your pain: The River's a really intense movie.

Ignatiy Vishnevetsky said...

[more on said shot here]